Sporting Clays Shoot

eams were shooting in the rain, but they didn’t let that throw off their aim. The 2022 Associated General Contractors of Alaska Sporting Clays shoot was held August 19 at Birchwood Recreation & Shooting park in Birchwood. Nearly 100 shooters attended.

In the individual rankings, Rod Miller won with a score of 93, John Carlson took second with a score of 91, and it was a three-way tie for third place between Guy Miyogishimi, Chad Schonbeck, and Dave Cross, all of whom scored 90.

The team standings were as follows: First place went to Universal Welding and Fabrication Alaska, second went to Granite Construction, and third to Strata Deep Constructors.

AGC of Alaska thanks everyone who joined us for the 2022 Sporting Clays Shoot, and a special thank you to our sponsors!

three women smiling
woman looking at gun in hands
man aiming gun in the air
The Associated General Contractors of Alaska logo
Thank you
to our 2022 Sporting Clays Shoot sponsors!
Shoreside Petroleum

Alaska Business

Granite Construction Company

Loken Crane Rigging and Transport LLC

North Star Equipment Services

Strata Deep Constructors

woman aiming gun in the woods
man aiming gun in the woods
Photos courtesy of Azimuth Adventure Photography