Work Zone Safety Profile
Alaska Steel Bridge Teams Dominate Regionals, Place Well at Nationals

he UAF and UAA student Steel Bridge teams took first and second place at the 2023 Pacific-Northwest Regional competition, held at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, in April. The two teams then placed tenth and eleventh overall in the national competition, held June 3 at the University of California, San Diego.

Students were tasked with creating a hypothetical crossing for the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge that would allow users access to trails and also allow park service vehicles to cross. The yearly competitions are overseen by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Institute of Steel Construction.

“We had a small team this year but we pulled through and performed very well,” said UAF team member Lucas Gomes.

Photos show the UAF Steel Bridge team preparing for the competition in San Diego. The UAF nationals travel team consisted of Haylie Cortez, Brandon Hansen, Lucas Gomes, Jenna Hernandez, Heather McKenzie, and Wilhelm Muench. Team members who did not travel to nationals: Richard Brock; Cynan Hellman; Leo Hicker; Ben Steinhauer; and Zac Stanish.

Photos provided by the UAF Steel Bridge team.
workers assembling on metal frame
3 young women working with drills
a selfie from above with students
students helping fabricate metal frame
UAA Student Steek Bridge Team lined up for a photo
Team standing for a photo wearing hard hats and protective gear